buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Art Gallery Scroll style.css header class hero nav div Scroll class logo div class nav-links a Home href # a About href #about a Contact href #contact div class hero-content h1 Art Gallery Scroll p Explore stunning art pieces with detailed descriptions main section id gallery class gallery h2 Art Gallery div class gallery-grid div class gallery-item img src 00000001.jpg alt Traditional Art - Impressionism p Traditional Art - Impressionism div class gallery-item img src 00000002.jpg alt Traditional Art - Expressionism p Traditional Art - Expressionism section id about class about h2 About p This gallery showcases a curated collection of traditional art pieces, highlighting the beauty of Impressionism and Expressionism. section id contact class contact h2 Contact p For inquiries, please reach out to us at footer div class footer-content p Art Gallery Scroll - Celebrating the beauty of traditional art script.js